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Jennifer's story

Hi. My name is Jenny, and I am honored you would take the time to read a little bit about me and my story and how having Sarah Anna Hansen Photography capture me

changed my life in every aspect for the better.I am a wife, mother of three little girls, who also works full-time, and serves in her church. Before we get too into that, let me open up the door to my past so that you can get a better understanding of who I am today. Maybe you’ll see a little of yourself in me, relate to my experiences, and just maybe challenge yourself to be a better version of you.

I was born in Texas, but I was adopted straight from the womb. I was raised in Southern California by the two most amazing people I know. I lived the dream, the beach an hour away, the mountains an hour the other direction. I was always on the go, never settling for anything less than a full schedule, and as I approached high school, even more so. I was vertically challenged (i.e.….short), but that never stopped me from playing sports. I got my letterman during my freshman year in volleyball, basketball, and softball. And if I wasn’t on the court or field somewhere, you can bet I was on a stage. I loved to perform in both choir and in the drama department. If I had an audience anywhere, I was a happy girl on the outside, but something on the inside was sad and lonely.

I had also always been overweight to some degree, even when I was in denial. Inside, I knew the truth. I hated everything about myself, my weight, my lack of height, my face. The only thing I had going for me was my personality and my smile. But let’s be honest. Boys in high school were not interested in personalities and smiles. They wanted a beautiful girl on their arm for dances, banquets, etc. I was not that girl. I made a great friend to the guys because they could talk to me about issues with their girlfriends, etc., and girlfriends enjoyed my company because I wasn’t a threat to their relationships. How many nights did I spend crying myself to sleep feeling unbeautiful, unworthy, and unloved!

Fast forward a few years. I met a guy who made it a point to tell me how beautiful I was every single time we saw each other. I began to fall in love with him. The only problem was he lived 1500 miles away! How would this relationship work? And he needed glasses so obviously his vision had to be skewed. Surely he didn’t really think I was beautiful. No one ever had so why would he be any different?! Well, after three years of dating long-distance thru the phone, emails, and good old snail mail, we were married.

Even after getting married, I still struggled with my self-image. I gave up even trying. Sure, I took good care of myself, but I never did my hair or makeup. What was the point? Then I had three very difficult pregnancies that all but destroyed me. I gained even more weight after the babies were born. Okay, so I had an amazing husband that loved me and all of my imperfections, rolls, and rough edges. But, I still did not love myself or see myself as anything but an overweight wife and mom for years and years. It didn’t help that I also, at the time, worked in a very hostile environment where bullying was considered the “norm.”

In January 2017, I connected with Sarah Anna Hansen. I looked thru her portfolios and was blown away by the images I saw. Her keen eye for detail, yet simplicity, shined thru her subjects. Every single one was stunning. I decided it was my turn so I approached her about a photoshoot. I wanted to take off the mask I was hiding behind and let go of all the pain, insecurities, etc. Sure I was I still overweight and had a few more wrinkles than in my senior pictures (that should tell you how long it had been since I had professional pictures taken!), but I went for it with all of my heart. By far this one was one of the best decisions I had ever made in my life. She brought me out of my shell with just a natural touch of makeup, hair, and wardrobe. For the first time in my life, I felt my outer appearance matched my personality and smile. My self-confidence soared, and my daughters saw their mom undergo a transformation. No longer was I putting myself down all the time or being negative in front of them, which was huge for their own self-image. 

It is because of my experience with Sarah Anna Hansen Photography that I wake up every day feeling sexy, confident, beautiful, and that I am a better wife, mother, daughter, friend, and employee because of it. I challenge each and every one of you reading this. Do yourself a favor. Book a session and move forward with your best you! Sarah has a way of bringing out the inner beauty thru her lens, and thru that lens, you will see yourself for what you are fearfully and wonderfully made a masterpiece if you will. Follow me and my crazy adventures on Facebook at Be blessed!

Remember you are beautiful, you are worthy, and you are loved!


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Sarah Anna Hansen  *  Greenville, South Carolina - Photography Studio: (312) 804-8804  *


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